Classes for 4- and 5-year-olds

We offer four options for 4- and 5-year old children:

See below for Enrollment form and information.

Morning and afternoon classes

The child must be 4 years old and toilet trained by September 1.

Classes meet three days (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)

Class times:

    $110 per month tuition for 4's AM and 4's PM classes

    $165 per month tuition for 4's Extended Day class

    $40 snack fee (one-time fee due at the start of the school year)

Full-day class:

The child must be 4 years old by August 1 and must have previously been in preschool or a full-time childcare program for a year.

The child brings a lunch from home. Morning and afternoon snacks are provided by the preschool. 

A brief rest time is included in the daily schedule.

 Pre-K Class (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)

The child must be 4 years old by August 1.

Class time:

Class meets from 8:45 am to 3:00 pm. 


$285 per month tuition

$75 snack fee (one-time fee due at the start of the school year)

All classes are subject to sufficient enrollment numbers.

2024 Enrollment application Eng.docx

To enroll, download and complete the form at the left.

Please note: There is a $55 enrollment fee for each student application that must be paid at the time the enrollment form is turned in to the preschool office.

Please contact the director for more information: