Classes for 4- and 5-year-olds
We offer four options for 4- and 5-year old children:
A traditional morning class or an extended morning class
An afternoon class
A full-day class, meeting 4 days a week
See below for Enrollment form and information.
Morning and afternoon classes
The child must be 4 years old and toilet trained by September 1.
Classes meet three days (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)
Class times:
4's AM Morning class: 8:45 to 11:15 am
4's Extended Day class: 8:45-12:30 pm * Students bring a lunch from home.
4's PM Afternoon class: 12:30 to 3:00 pm
$110 per month tuition for 4's AM and 4's PM classes
$165 per month tuition for 4's Extended Day class
$40 snack fee (one-time fee due at the start of the school year)
Full-day class:
The child must be 4 years old by August 1 and must have previously been in preschool or a full-time childcare program for a year.
The child brings a lunch from home. Morning and afternoon snacks are provided by the preschool.
A brief rest time is included in the daily schedule.
Pre-K Class (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
The child must be 4 years old by August 1.
Class time:
Class meets from 8:45 am to 3:00 pm.
$285 per month tuition
$75 snack fee (one-time fee due at the start of the school year)
All classes are subject to sufficient enrollment numbers.
To enroll, download and complete the form at the left.
Please note: There is a $55 enrollment fee for each student application that must be paid at the time the enrollment form is turned in to the preschool office.
Please contact the director for more information: